Oxytocin is secrreted by posterior pituitary along with
vasopressin (ADH) Pituitary extract was first used in labour in
1909. Both oxytocin and A are synthesized within the A down the axon and
stored in the nerve endings within the neurohyphyosis.
1. UTERUS:- Oxytocin increases the force and frequency uterin contractions.WitH low doses, full
relaxation occurs inbetween contraction basal tone increases only
with high doses
2. BREAST:- Oxytocin contracts myoepithelium of mammary alveoli
and forces milk into the bigger milk sinusoids milk ejuction reflex is
initiated by sucklingvsothat it may be easily sucked by the infant
3. CVS:- conventional doses used in obstetrics have no effect on BP but higher doses cause vasodilation brief fall in BP , reflex techycardia and flushing
2. Milk ejection reflex:- It is mediated by oxytocin. The myoepithelial cells breast
4. KIDNEY:- Oxytocin in high doses exerts an ADH like action urine output is
Physiological role
1. Labour:- Oxytocin is released during labour and the uterus is highly sensitive
to it at this time are more sebsitive than myomemetrium to oxytocin ; milk ejection reflex is absent in the hypophysectomized.
3. Neurotransmission:- Oxytocin appears to function as a peptide neurotransmitter
in the hypothalamus and brainstem to regulat autonomic neurone
1. Induction of labour
2. Uterine inertia
3. Postpartum haemorrhage , cesarean section
4. Breast engorgement
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