DIABETES MELLITUS (DM)

It is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglyceama, glycosuria, hyperlipaemia nitrogen
 balance and sometimes ketonaemia. A widepread pathological change is thickening of capillary
 basement membrane increase in vesel  wall matrix and cellular profiferation resulring in 
comprosis , sclerosis of glomerular capillaries , retinopathy, neuropathy and peripheral 
vascular insufficiencly.



Type I:-  Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) , juvenile onset diabetes mellitus.  There 
is beta cell destruction in pancreatic isles majority of cases are autoimmune antibiotic that 
destroy beta cells are detectable in blood. but some are idiophathic  no beta cell antibiotic is 
found . in all type 1 cases circulating insulin levels are low or very  low , and patients are more
 proneto ketosis. This type is less common and has a low degree of genetic   predisposition.

Type 2:- Noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), Maaturity onset diabetes mellitus. 
There is no loss or modarate reduction in beta cell mass, no anti beta antibody is demonstrable 
has a high degree of genetic predisposition generally has a late onset



Insulin was discovered in 1921 by Bnting and best who demonstrated the hypoglycaemic action 
of an extract of pancreas prepared after degeneration of the exocrine part due to ligatiion of 
pancreatic duct.

ASSAY OF INSULIN:-  Insulin is bioassayed by measuring  blood sugar depression in rabbits 
or by its potency to induce hypoglycaemic convulsions in mice . 1 mg of the international
 standard of insulin= 28 units. With the availability of pure preparations insulin can be assayed 
chemically also. Plasma insulin can be measured by radioimmunoassay or enzyme 

NOTE :- Under  basal condition –IU insulin il secreted per hour by human pancreas. Secretion
 of insulin from beta cells is  regulated by chemical, hormonal  and neural mechanism.


pump insulin
pump insulin

A number of innovation have been made to improve ease and accuracy of insulin 
administration as well as to achieve tight glycaemia control.

These are:

1.             INSULIN SYRINGES  :- Prefilled disposible syringes  specifiC types or                                                                                 mixtures of regular and modified insulin .

2.             PEN DEVICES            :- Fountain pen like use insulin catridges for s.c.                                                                                  injection through a needle.

3.             INHALED INSULIN    :- Recently an inhaled human insulin preparation has                                                                       bee marked in Europe and USA.  The fine powder  is                                                                delivered through a nebulizer, absorption is rapid .                                                                      peak action accurs at 2 hours and duration of action is                                                                  6-7 hours.

4.             INSULIN  PUMPS:-      Portable infusion device connected to a subcutaneously                                                                        placed cannula provide continuous S.C.INSULIN                                                                           only regular insulin is used

5.             IMPLANTABLE PUMPS:- Mechanical pumps fluorocarbon propellant and                                                                            osmotic  are being developed.

6.             EXTERNAL ARTIFICIAL PANCREAS:- This is microprocessor controlled 

device connected through i.v. lines which measures blood glucose and then infuses 
appropriate amounts of insulin in a continuous feedback manner.

                                               ORAL HYPOGLYCAEMIC DRUGS

These drugs lower blood glucose levels snd are effective orally. The chief draw back of 
insulin is it must be given by  injection .

1. SULFONYLUREAS:- All have similar pharmacological profile sole gnificant action being lowering of blood glucose level in normal subjects and in type 2 diabetics.


1.             Tolbutamide
2.             chlorpropamide


1.                                  Glibenclamide
2.                                  Glipizide
3.                                  Gliclazide
4.                                  Glimepiride

3.             BIGUANIDES:- Two biguanides antidiabetics phenformin and metformin were 

introduced in the 1950s. because of higher risk of lactic acidosis , phenforming  was 
withdrawn in many countries and has been banned in india since 2003.

1. Metformin

4.             MEGLITINIDE :-These are recently developed quick and short acting insuli

1.             Repaglinide

2. Nateglinide

5.             THIAZOLIDINEDIONES:- This novel class of oral antidabetic drugs.

1. Rosiglitazone
2. Pioglitazine

6.             alpha  GLUCOSIDASE  INHIBITORS
1. Acarbose
2. Miglitol

insulin syringe
insulin syringe


A hyperglycaemic principle was demontrated to be present in the pancreatic islets 
judt two year after the discovery of insulin in 1921. It was named “ GLUCAGON”.


1.             HYPOGLYCAEMIA
2.             CARDIOGENIC


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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