
lt is communicable diseases due to bite of rabid animals mostly by stray dogs.

The disease is 100% fatal & other name of this viral disease is hydrophobia (HydroWater; Phobia fear) It is a zoonotic disease.

Agent: Virus

* Disease by the bite of dogs
. Cats, jackals

Disease of developing countries where stray dogs population is present.

Clinical features:

1. Head ache, sore throat
2. Fever
3.Hydrophobia-unable to drink water or any liquid due to the muscular
4.Virus will attack on C.N.S
5. Patient can not tolerate noise/current of air/ bright light Spasim of pharyngeal and neck muscles.
7.100% Death Incubation period in man varies. If dog bite is nearer the brain, shorter is the Incubation Period whereas incubation period in dog is fixed i.e. if the dog is rabid,is sure to die within 10 days.


On basis of signs of symptoms.  

Confirmation by testing brain of animals in Lab.


1.Wash the wound or scratches with plenty of soap or detergent and water preferable in running tap water (First aid). It is better to wash the wound by potassium permanganate or silver nitrate.

Suturing:- Wound should not be sutured because it will help spread of virus to deeper tissues. Apply minimum possible sutures and under

2.the cover of antibiotics/serum locally.
i. As a princip lesuturing should not be done unless it is essential
ii. Anti rabic treatment should start immediately by rabipur or human diploid vaccine.

Keep dog under observation for ten days. If dog survives, stop the anti rabic treatment. But we have to continue the same, in case the dog dies or disappeargor is killed by public.

In this case patient should take tull anti rabic treatment,Rabies in dogs

They are of two types -

1. Furious rabid dogs:-
 A. aim less running
B. unprovoked biting
C. change of voice
D. Excessive salivation
E.dog bites without provocation and is
eating mud, straws sticks etc.

2. Dumb rabid dogs:
. Paralytic
»Avoids being seen by others or disturbed


1.Control on stray dogs either by killing or mass tmmuntzatiern

2. Do not allow stray dog to roam in pubtic places

3.Licensing of all pet dogs after vaccination does by vatenary doctors

4. Health education

Role of Health Worker

» Identification of Rabies cases and their notification
* Vaccination of dogs and their licensing
*Destruction of stray dogs/Vaccinatiore of dogs
» Refer dog bite cases to doctors
» Htealth education to community about rabies.

FEVER: As a Symptonm

Fever in Communicable diseases

1. Influenza: Viral Infection, disease of ehildren and old person
2 Pneumonia: Bacterial infection due to Pneumacocci
3. Diphtheria: Pain in throat, difficulty in swallowing especialy in children
4. Typhoid: High temperature in evening and morming, Jow pulsa rate,pain in abdomen, Widal Test Positive, Bacterlat infectlon
5. Meningitis: May be tubercular or viral with headache and hock rigidity
6. Tuberculosis: Bacterial infection, evening rise of low grade fever, chronic cough with sputum which may have blood:

7.Measles: Rashes on skin, no history of taking any drüg
8. Chicken Pox (Viral Infection)
9.Mumps (Viral Infection)
10. Plague,Bacteriai Infection
11. Acute -Bacterial Infection
12. Acute follicular Tonsilitis (Bacterial Infection)
13.Influenza - viral
14. Cellulitis - (Bacterial Infection)
15. Furuncle -Bacterial Infection
16. Puerpural Sepsis

Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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